Residents & Staff go back to the 80’s in aid of Sport Relief
Friday 13 March 2020
On Friday 13th March the residents & staff at all of the Majesticare Luxury care homes joined forces in a bid to create an epic 80’s ‘Mr Motivator’ style fitness video.
With homes dotted all across the country, coordinating things took military precision, but with many of our residents being ex service personnel, we soon had things in hand & everyone was raring to go.
Everyone really got involved & the day proved to be so much fun. The short fitness film begins at one of the Majesticare offices before bouncing round to each of the homes. Each one in turn joining in the fun & doing their bit for Sport Relief.
Inspired by some of their sporting heroes from the past & spurred on by the buzz of filming, some of the homes have extended their fundraising efforts to a much larger scale. With residents & staff at Milton Ernest Hall (in Bedford) planning to walk the length of the Channel Tunnel & climb the same amount of steps that are in the Eiffel Tower in under 24 hours. Some of the other homes will also be hosting ‘school sports days’ competing in many of the races that they would have done when they were children (just maybe a little slower).
“One of the main challenges in older age is keeping people active. Making sure that the residents keep moving & that they are as fit as possible is one key in living well for longer. With this in mind we knew that whatever we chose to do would have to be fun & incorporate as much movement as possible” said Lily Patrick who came up with the idea.
Using the amazing power of sport, the challenge will help people get active whilst raising money for Sport Relief. The money raised will help to take on some of the biggest issues right here in the UK and around the world, from tackling homelessness to championing mental health.
The short film has been dedicated to the late Maurice Cottell, who sadly passed away shortly after filming. During Maurice’s portion of the film you will hear his passion for sport during his younger years & how boxing (amongst other sports) became a great passion of his, helping with his physical & mental wellbeing.
If you would like to donate to Sport Relief then please follow the link below & we really hope you enjoy the film…